If you are outside the US, please check our International Participant eligibility requirements.


  • Qualifying Medical Doctors must be licensed to practice in their state or province.
  • Qualifying Advanced Practice Registered Nurses must have a Master of Science in Nursing (or higher) with a specialization in psychiatric mental health nursing and must be licensed to practice through their state board or province.
  • Qualifying Mental Health Clinicians must have a Master's Degree in the mental health field (Counseling, Marriage & Family Therapy, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, Social Work) or related mental health discipline and be licensed to practice through their state board or province.


  • These are clinicians who are actively pursuing a mental health license through their state board (or province) while working under a licensed supervisor.
  • Qualifying Pre-Licensed Mental Health Clinicians must have a Master's Degree in the mental health field (Counseling, Marriage & Family Therapy, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, Social Work) or related mental health discipline and must be actively pursuing a full license through their state board (or province) while working under a licensed supervisor.


  • Qualifying graduate students must be enrolled in a Master's or Doctoral program in the mental health field (Counseling, Marriage & Family Therapy, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, Psychiatric Nursing, Social Work) or related mental health discipline. Students must have completed their core graduate academic coursework and must be in the practicum/internship portion of their graduate program. First year graduate students are not eligible. Graduate students must be on a licensing track and working under the supervision of a fully licensed mental health clinician. 
  • Graduate students will need to submit a letter from their supervisor to verify their eligibility. In the letter, the supervisor must confirm the student is:
    • On the licensing track
    • Working under the supervision of a fully licensed mental health clinician
    • Actively in a practicum or internship
  • Please ensure that the letter also:
    • States the supervisor's license information and number
    • Is written and signed on the supervisor's office letterhead
  • Students do not need to provide EMDRIA with any documentation unless specifically asked to do so by EMDRIA staff. 
  • Please email any documentation that needs to be submitted as a PDF to [email protected] before the start of your training.


Please read EMDRIA's EMDR Training FAQ for assistance.